GM Nadya Kosintseva U1300 Camp

Target: U1300, max 10 players
When: Thursdays 6:00-7:00pm US Central Time (Houston Time) starting March 11, 2020 to May 13, 2021 for 10 weeks
Coach: GM Nadezda (Nadya) Kosintseva (See “Coaches” for detailed bio). GM Kosintseva is former #3 in the women world ranking and one of a few female chess players in the world who hold the FIDE Grandmaster title. Peak FIDE rating 2576.

Registration: $200 for 10 lessons (You could choose partial registration that is less than 10 lessons)
Registration Link:

Course Description: This course is designed for USCF Under 1300 players who want to improve their tactical skills, further develop strategic thinking, and master the principles of the endgame play. Additional to the lessons, we will play one game each week and Coach will review some of the games ( key points). During the class time we will talk about tactical motives and their applications in different situations. We will learn the basic calculation techniques that can help to save time and calculate more efficiently. We will train visualization skills and discuss the system of forcing moves in a specific order. Part of the class will be spent on demonstration of the important strategical themes and their applications in different situations, pointing out the basic strategical principles and possible exceptions to the rules. We will expand the knowledge about sacrificing in chess and talk about the importance of preventive thinking.We will also discuss the key principles and standard strategies in the endgames. The homework will be assigned at the end of every class.
An approximate list of the topics: (Note: some topics will be discussed in more than one class): course materials will be different from previous camps. Topics may be similar because those are the common building blocks to improve your chess understanding and playing skills.

  • Forcing and non-forcing moves in chess;
  • Candidate moves and how to make a good list of candidate moves;
  • Good and bad pieces;
  • Material versus initiative;
  • Imbalances in a chess game
  • How to plan a chess game;
  • Pawn structure and pawn play;
  • Initiative and sacrificing;
  • Active defense, counter play;
  • Prophylaxis
  • The principles of the endgame play.


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