Grandmaster Elshan Moradiabadi
Grandmaster Elshan Moradiabadi was one of the top two players in Iran between 2003-2016. He won the Iranian championship in 2001, and a number of open tournaments in Europe before he moved to the US in 2012. GM Moradiabadi had participated in several US collegiate chess events, having won the Final Four in 2012 and 2015 Pan Americans with Texas Tech University’s chess team. He has coached the US junior national team, US open national team, Iran’s junior national team, and over 350 individuals in the past 10 years.
Since 2017, GM Moradiabadi has been residing in Durham, North Carolina with his fiance WGM Sabina Foisor and their cat “Regina”. The couple recently completed a book for club players “Sherlock’s Method”, which will be published by Thinkers Publishing.